
Congress pays $75/story for new fiction, $25/story for reprints.

Most of what will appear in our magazine will be solicited. We are, however, interested in what you—yes, you—might like to send us. If you would like to submit to us, you may email Molly at with a brief pitch. If we would like to see your full story, we will contact you. Emails with an attachment or with a story pasted into the body of the email will be deleted unread.

We are on the hunt for just about anything that might be considered “thoughtful erotica.” Erotic tales with a speculative bent are welcome, as are kink stories, tales of sexual awakening, crime stories, confessional fiction, sweet vanilla encounters, and snappy literary fiction. Fan fiction featuring licensed characters is legally, tonally, and expressly not what we’re looking for.

We are looking for works about giving and receiving consensual pleasure—one-handed reading so interesting and engaging that our readers have to remember to stop and, ah, smell the roses. Thus, stories featuring sexual violence, rape, sex with animals, readingkids, &ct. will be a tough-to-impossible sell. (Sexual violence being “tough” and kids and animals being “impossible,” to be perfectly clear.) And while we welcome stories written by women, people of color, nonbinary people, people of trans* experience, and a wide variety of sexual orientations, stories featuring said people should be respectful and non-fetishizing.

Basically, any interested writers ought to read what we’re publishing before asking to submit.

We are also interested in suggestive but non-explicit photographs for our covers, and interested artists should email Molly for rates and details.