Welcome to the inaugural issue of Congress Magazine. Here, you will find what we like to call thoughtful erotica: stories that excite the mind and bewitch the senses as they draw the reader in with strong plots and unforgettable characters. Good smut can be good literature, as connoisseurs know, and we seek to insert ourselves into that grand tradition.
This month we present three original stories and a reprint for your pleasure. First, Livia Llewellyn, that mistress of the sinister and seductive, treats us to “Bohemian Grove, 1916.” Ms. Llewellyn’s story is imminently suitable for our summer debut, being full of sweat-dampened dresses, tanned thighs, rumpled suits, and private jaunts to private islands. And owls. Then, we have Robert Levy’s “My Heart’s Own Desire,” a transgressive triple threat of love, sex, violence, and drugs. Oh—wait, that’s four things. It’s hard to count when one’s fingers are so busy.
Following Mr. Levy we have the mysterious Matthew Addison’s “Wish Girls,” about a man who’s grown tired of his matched set of magical sexy cheerleaders. If it sounds like a good problem to have, imagine having two immortal, lithe, long-limbed, stacked cheerleaders always hanging around your apartment, eager and ready to please no matter what the request (or command). If it still sounds like a good problem to have… you’ll just have to read Mr. Addison’s story.
And finally, we have David Nickle’s “The Bicameral Twist.” When I approached Mr. Nickle about writing for Congress, he suggested the title “Bicameral” as a tease. Well, we love teasing here at Congress, especially when it’s followed by something more substantial… and Mr. Nickle certainly provided that. “Bicameral Twist” is as cerebral as it gets, but keep an open mind. You might learn something about yourself… from yourself.
Future issues of Congress may feature nonfiction, or comics, or essays, but we’re all fiction this month. Come August, expect more; we’ll deliver the goods right to your computer or e-reader.
While our content will always be free online, an issue costs just $2.99 on Amazon and Weightless Books. You can also subscribe to our full six-issue run through Weightless Books for just $17.94. A small operation, we appreciate your support, as it means we can keep purchasing great fiction and luscious covers, like this month’s, by Gerard Vlaz.
A magazine is only as good as its writers and its staff. I feel so lucky to have four such talented authors ushering us into existence. I’m also l lucky to have support from Jeremiah Tolbert, our publisher—and such a killer name, courtesy Nick Mamatas.
So, welcome. I sincerely hope you enjoy your time with us… and that we leave you craving more.
© 2016 Issue 1 Editorial